

RAD-140 Testolone is a new generation SARM that is targeted for those who want quick muscle mass increase, loss of fat and a decent level of recuperation. It is best for novices and advanced pro athletes as well as Olympians, There are risks free with testosterone-like effects. Get RAD-140 online from Ugroids and boost your physical fitness like never before.

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 Testolone, is a hot new SARM (selective androgen receptor modulator) with the potential of transforming user’s athletic performance as well as muscle building capabilities.

It comes with little to no side effects, RAD-140 stands out for athletes and bodybuilders that want high anabolic muscle as well as a faster recovery time with increased endurance. 

We at Ugroids assure our clients with the finest RAD-140 ensuring they are able to achieve their peak performance in a safe manner.

What is RAD-140

RAD-140 is a SARM that selectively interacts with androgen cell receptors present in muscle tissue and bone whereby testosterone is taken but without the adverse effects that come with taking steroids. 

RAD-140 is one of the newly developed SARMs, and being one of the fourth generation SARMs it is quite the improvement and stands as a performance enhancer. It is Restobolics advanced developmental Technology to enhance mass/ bulking, cutting and fitness.

Key Benefits of RAD-140

Greatly Enhanced Muscle Growth

Increased protein synthesis leads to rapid muscle growth, it is able to provide users with around 8 kilograms of muscle within a month, and this is only looking to grow further.

Greatly Enhanced Fat Loss

Fat receptors are attacked by the compound which increases the metabolism rate triggering lypolysis, thus making it a great product to take during cutting cycles.

Enhanced Recovery

RAD-140 adds muscle repairing rates providing efficient muscle recovery during the workouts along with reduced soreness.

Increased Strength Levels and Endurance

The compound assists in boosting endurance levels and power, increasing training duration and intensity.

Joint and Bone Health

RAD-140 aids in the building of connective tissues, cartilage, and bone, minimizing the chances of structural injuries.

Why Use RAD-140 Instead Of Steroids

Non Suppressing Properties

RAD-140 unlike most anabolic steroids doesn’t disturb the natural testosterone production and doesn’t cause gynecomastia either.

No Liver Toxicity

Oral PRAD-140 doesn’t have any negative effects on the liver unlike oral steroids making it safer for prolonged use.

Safe For New Users

For individuals looking into performing better, the compound contains similar effects to steroids but without the severe side effects. 

Dosage Guidelines

  • Beginner: 10-15 mg daily;
  • Advanced: 20-30 mg daily;
  • Cycle Duration: Typical cycles last between 6-8 weeks for more results. 

Always perform a post cycle therapy if needed for hormones to restore procedure. The compound can be stacked with MK-2866 or LGD-4033 for better results.


Orally, no injections or IV’s are required.

What Distinguishes RAD-140

It has become extremely popular because of its ability to aid users in muscle building and fat loss specifically. 

While steroids tend to be far less selective and have an adverse effect on the body as a whole, RAD-140 only targets the androgen receptors located in the bone and muscle and acts accordingly leaving no adverse effects.

Distinct Benefits

  • Does not eliminate excess water from tissues nor does it create swelling;
  • Stops muscular tissues from breaking down when a calorie deficit is in a state;
  • Increases the ability to provide concentrated flow of thoughts and the ability to think and reason.

But Are There Any Side Effects

The compound is used mostly without complaints however like most of performance enhancers care should be taken to not exceed the recommended dosages. The side effects have a tendency to be mild in nature and with correct application tend to resolve on their own.

Some Side Effects May Include:

  • Increase of aggression and derrangement (this is not common);
  • Temporary change in hormones;
  • Mild headaches or fatigue.

Taking Steps to Reduce These Side Effects

Do not exceed the prescribed dosages. Speak with your doctor’s office before taking RAD-140.

Reasons for Purchasing RAD-140 Online

We at Ugroids always make an effort to only provide performance enhancers of the most reliable quality possible. The RAD-140 that we stock is verified in both its strength and purity ensuring that you are getting the best product that will help you reach your fitness goals.

Why Go to Ugroids

  • First Rate: The most reliable spot to procure authentic products;
  • Confidential Discreet Shipping: Dependable delivery within Canada;
  • Professional Assistance: Advice on the dosages and cycles according to your objectives and goals.

Reliable Customer support

Our clients have faith in us that they can get quality goods with ease of being able to order it from their place. Be a part of the thousands who have been able to buy steroids in Canada without any risk through Ugroids.

Who Uses RAD-140

It is designed for:

  • Athletes wanting to improve their performance and shorten their recovery time;
  • Bodybuilders who would want to add muscles of a lean mass;
  • Fitness buffs who wish to get an edge over the competition.